Monday, January 4, 2010

"Live your life!"

The title here, sage advice given me by my doc, Celine, when I'd asked her, "what do I do now?"
Her clear directive, seemingly easy to understand, launches a million questions! First, what is my life?
There are many parts of my life on which I'm crystal clear: my love for Pat, my kids, family and friends and my commitment to making moments, lots of memorable moments. Like yesterday, for instance, I went skiing!
And I did so in spite of all of my neurotic thoughts (what if I'm not strong enough, what if I fall?, what if the driving conditions are bad, what if there are more "what ifs?").
And then it happened. The Great Moment. After my ski lesson and a couple of downhill runs, I realized, I'm really doing it!!
I'm living my life!
Photo Credit: Jamie Miller and Resorts of the Canadian Rockies (RCR).

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