Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I want to change up the subject a bit, to talk about healing, that thing people call, "survivorship."
Survivorship is the journey.
We're all survivors of something, maybe several things. I was a survivor before I turned pink. Resilience is key to survival.
My friend Barbara survives breast cancer since the 1970's. She said, "Rather than asking "why me?" I ask, "why not me?""
None of us are immune from crisis. The crisis comes to test or teach.
I joined a Jazzercise group, a choreographed exercise and now I'm dancing my way to fitness. It challenges my post-treatment body. Still, I'm determined to heal fully, to gain fitness. Bonus--I'm making new friends.
Yoga is an important part of my personal plan for healing. It provides a meditative space, strength training and a good stretch.
Too much time spent in silence isn't a good experience for me, rather, I find I prefer the Jazzercise classes with its pounding rhythms, musical talk and laughter.
All of these activities demand energy, something I'm still building. I guess after almost a year of treatment with little physical activity, rebuilding strength and stamina takes time, determination and patience.
Patience is a virtue but I hear the clock ticking. I don't want to miss anything!
I've talked with a other cancer survivors and they agree, once touched by cancer, there's a footprint on your ass to live your life, every day, each moment. My friend Tammy says she feels like she has to "do it all" right now.
I'm still writing my list, deciding where I want to go, what to see, not wanting to overlook anything and doing the physical work to make sure that, should I be lucky enough to do some more traveling, I'll have the stamina to enjoy it.
Stay well!

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