Monday, August 8, 2011

Screening has little impact on breast cancer deaths: Study

Screening has little impact on breast cancer deaths: Study

Careful, Ladies. Take your cue for how to take care of your breasts from Susan Love's Army of Women (see Links) or other breast cancer awareness organizations. Breast cancer diagnosis is a comprehensive process, one that starts with you. Yeah, you.

Leigh Hurst, a young breast cancer survivor, from the homeland, Pennsylvania, founded an awareness campaign whose message is: Feel Your Boobies (I've added this important campaign to my Links). It's a simple and smart idea--awareness starts when you get to know your boobs! It's your body--take charge! The shower is the best place to get to know your girls. Are they lumpy? Do they feel like a bag of peas? Is the tissue smooth? And ask your doctor--"do I have dense breast tissue?"

If you have dense breast tissue, imaging, via mammogram can be more challenging--the image may be less clear. Since more women diagnosed with breast cancer have no history of the cancer in their family, we all have to be vigilant.  Follow your physician's guidelines and have a look at the links provided on this page.

We want to kick breast cancer's ass. We want a cure--but that cure starts with you. As someone who has been there and done that, I still advocate for imaging.

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