Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Making More Moments

Ever since the C-Monster took a shot at me, I feel I must wring every moment out of every moment.
But I wasted Monday. The temperature was -30 (yea, MINUS 30), so I canceled my day plans and used the day to recover from weekend birthday celebration. I slept, watched TV and read more of Tom Wayman's newest work of fiction, Woodstock Rising.
Big hugs to Kevin and Rachel, our more-like-family-than-friends who spent the weekend with us and drank all of our wine!
I did not waste the day of my big FIVE-O. While I slept, a Chinook slipped over the western Rockies, like a warm blanket, a wonderful and welcome gift from Mom Nature. I went out to lunch, shopped and then out to dinner--a perfect day!
Huge thanks to my family and friends for celebrating with me.
I have so many things I want to do! I want to write at least one book, take more writing classes, go dog sledding, visit Hawaii, Mexico, Alaska, Vancouver.
I want to do it all.
First, holidays at home.
Are you making the most of your moments?

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