Sunday, September 22, 2013


When I was fifteen, I wanted long, glossy hair and a flat stomach like Cher.  Today I'm 53,and although I don't care as much that her hair is still glossy and she probably has a flat stomach, I couldn't stop myself from longing for a smooth neck like Cher's.

And her face.  Cher can turn back time.  She's 67.  (Hillary Clinton is 66).  

I watch CBS Sunday Morning in the same way that some people go to church except I'm still wearing my PJs.  But during today's "Cher Speaks Her Mind" segment I found myself mesmerized by her in the very same way that I'd sit captivated all those years ago, watching The Sonny and Cher Show, and later The Cher Show.

And though she has more plastic in her face than the Tupperware factory, I can't not like her.  She's out-spoken and feisty, a legendary performer.  Moonstruck is one of my favorite movies.  I'm not a Cher hater, not at all.

I just can't come to grips with her face.  And that neck.  I get tangled in our culture's unrealistic aging expectations - we all do.  I get a mild dose of it now and then when I worry that maybe at mid-50 fabulous is no longer attainable, or at least not without the help of lasers, needles, and knives.

I can't say that Cher is a strong woman.  She's too vane, and won't age with dignity like my brave women heroes or strong women like you or me.

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