Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Men in My Life

I spend a lot of time writing about the women in my life. I grew up with my mother, grandmother and great grandmother - four generations of women in one house! Too, I write a column for Woman Magazine www.womannewspapers.com But, it's time to talk about the men in my life.
I have an amazing son. He's a charmer, a comic, the baby of the family. He's sensitive, but strong. Ladies, I've raised the perfect man! He's a hard-working and dedicated athlete, a great student, a loving soul. His personality most matches mine, though we are a contrast on body size. He's over six feet tall and built like an offensive lineman (his football position) and very handsome. While his Dad travels, Matt's the best room dog (roommate). He's met my oncologist and taken me for treatment. He fetches me a water bottle, blanket or anything else I need when I'm down for the count. He is the best son in the world.
My son got the amazing gene from my husband's DNA. Pat is my rock, my mountain. He is strong, protective of his family, and bold in the world. He's lived the "for better or worse" and the "in sickness and health" parts of our original vows. He's athletic and handsome. He's a force in my life and his presence makes my heart happy.
Then there is my Uncle Bob. He filled in the empty space my father left for both my mother and me. Uncle Bob is fearless. He's survived at least three heart attacks, heart surgeries, a stroke and six wild nieces and nephews. When we were kids, he'd take all of us to his boat docked on the Chesapeake Bay. Summer trips to Uncle Bob's boat are forever part of the stories my cousins and I revisit, some of our favorite childhood memories.

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