Monday, April 27, 2009

Texas Chicks Reunion

Texas, home of my favorite BFFs! I spent nearly a week catching up with the my Texas Chicks. As our children grew up, our friendships increased exponentially during our time spent in the greatest neighborhood in the world. Together, we put on block parties, volleyball tournaments, chili cook-offs, Santa visits and parades for our kids. We truly are forever friends. I am grateful to each of them for their infusion of love and support.
We had so much fun, a week spent out on the town!
Robin and I had lunch with a Texas senator, Rachel and I found buried treasure and the three of us spent a happy hour in River Oaks. Pat and I enjoyed the company of our fabulous friends and the best barbeque in Texas at the infamous Boot Restaurant.
I want to thank our friends Liz Ann & Keith, Teri & Steve, Wendi & Greg, Rachel, Robin, Joey & Ellen, and Chris for making the night so memorable.
I recharged at Wendi's beautiful home where I met Tony the Toyger, Snoopy and my old friend Buddy. Even better, I hugged Colton, Connor and Alexa. Wendi and Greg, thanks for your constant friendship and warm hospitality.
Texas Chicks slumber party? Yes, Ma'am. The Texas Chicks went out on the town and then spent the night at Robin's fabulous uptown home. Robin, Wendi, Rachel and, yes! my BFF Diane completed the inner circle. The wee hours conversation was entertaining. Robin, thanks for everything!
We spent the last day of our visit with Kevin and Rachel, our first Houston friends. Enjoyed hugging Ryan, petting Sadie and talking by phone with my kindred creative spirit, Kristin.
What a blast! I'm ready to move back to Houston!

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