Tuesday, January 5, 2010

From Merry to Misty

I have to take the tree down today and I've a melange of feelings about this annual task. The tree looks lovely, its still-fresh branches hefting our collection of ornaments, each one a memory of past family moments.
My favorites are many. My daughter's picture on a red paper bell, cut, glued and decorated by her then tiny two year old hands; the dancing macaroni-dressed silver star fashioned by my son, kindergarten. A mouse sleeps in her lace covered matchbox, a gift from my Mom; a red wooden heart announces "our first Christmas together," our first ornament as a couple; a painted ceramic heart given us from my mom-in-law which says, "Christmas is Family."
A coppery-gold ribbon winds its way through the tree, a glittery pathway to each memory.
"Exit here to revisit Kay's ballerina days" or "here's a reminder of Matt's football days, summer practices and cheering his high school games!" A new ornament, a Radko designed celebration of Pat's home state, Missouri, hangs near the tree top.
The essence of the Christmas tree, a personal expression, a celebration of life in all of it's brightly lit, red, green and golden silver sparkle resting on green feathered branches!

Monday, January 4, 2010

"Live your life!"

The title here, sage advice given me by my doc, Celine, when I'd asked her, "what do I do now?"
Her clear directive, seemingly easy to understand, launches a million questions! First, what is my life?
There are many parts of my life on which I'm crystal clear: my love for Pat, my kids, family and friends and my commitment to making moments, lots of memorable moments. Like yesterday, for instance, I went skiing!
And I did so in spite of all of my neurotic thoughts (what if I'm not strong enough, what if I fall?, what if the driving conditions are bad, what if there are more "what ifs?").
And then it happened. The Great Moment. After my ski lesson and a couple of downhill runs, I realized, I'm really doing it!!
I'm living my life!
Photo Credit: Jamie Miller and Resorts of the Canadian Rockies (RCR).