Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Things That Make You Go WTF?

So, I'm working on an article about breast cancer survivorship and sexuality, the inherent sexual problems which come from being hit by medical menopause at a hundred miles an hour, and I found this on, titled Meeting Needs In Other Ways, which suggests how to pass your time if your sex life isn't firing:

*  Fantasy can enrich your life.  Countless women read to fill the vacuum (romance novels are enormously popular).
*  Join a book club, a church or synagogue, or a group that meets to discuss investments, movies, or local politics.

They also suggested shopping's retail therapy.  There's always shopping!

Now that we are surviving this evil disease, we need better information, better than try reading Fifty Shades of Gray, or empty your checking account at the mall, to manage the consequences of breast cancer's treatment.

See you at the WOMAN magazine booth at the October 18th STRIDE event!
